Vigil on the human rights situation in Xinjiang, China

Time: July 5th, 2021, 13:30
Location: main station, Berne
July 5 marks the 12th anniversary of the bloody massacre in Urumqi, a peaceful demonstration to ask for justice has been crushed ruthlessly and hundreds of innocent Uyghurs have been massacred, many thousands have been disappeared in coming weeks and months. We want to remember this special day.
We also want to make our voices heard in Bern and ask the Swiss Parliament to join other 7 countries to recognize the genocide of the Uyghurs.
Please join us!
The Uyghur Crisis: A Cultural Genocide Unfolding in Silence
Online Event
December 4 2020, 17:30 CET
in collaboration with
- Association Mosaique UNIL,
- the Human Rights,Conflict & Peace Student Initiative at IHEID Geneva
The Uyghur Crisis in China is one of the most alarming human rights crises of the modern day.The systematic oppression and persecution of the Uyghur minority in China’s Xinjiang region has warranted the attention of international powers, human rights activists and the global community as a whole.
Association Mosaique UNIL, in collaboration with the Human Rights,Conflict & Peace Student Initiative at IHEID Geneva, is honoured to host Mr. Abduxukur Abdurixit as the keynote speaker of our conference.
Mr. Abdurixit is a Uyghur activist campaigning to raise awareness of the crisis and appeal for action from the international community. During the conference, he will provide insight into the history of the crisis, describe the current situation on the ground and give his opinion on the future outlook for the Uyghur community in China.

United Nations Human Rights Council 45th Session
There can be no doubt that the CCP crimes meet the definition of genocide as laid out in the UN Genocide Convention.
Never again is right now!
Stop the indifference!
Stop the genocide!